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Who is selling CEL?

15 ответов

8 просмотров

Not me. I need all the CEL I can get to pay my loan interest.

JaDeM- Автор вопроса
John Harvey
Not me. I need all the CEL I can get to pay my lo...

Its so crazy to me... I don't get it. Such a solid project I got in at like $3 a long time ago I was sure it'd go to $10 easily but its defying the bull market (much to my chagrin) even as the company grows like crazy, they start burning, getting payed in CEL boosts rewards etc etc Any thoughts as to why this is the case? I suspect possibly some employees sell off theirs but come on!!

The app says 78% of people are earning in CEL. Those people have the option of selling their CEL rewards and keeping their principal. I would do that if I could

Probably people who realize it’s silly to hold CEL while it does absolutely nothing, when they could put that money into any number of other crypto assets that are currently mooning. 🤷‍♂️

Probably people who realize it’s silly to hold CEL...

Good for us, creates an opportunity to buy more cel at a cheaper price.

Hassan Saameeh ©️
Good for us, creates an opportunity to buy more ce...

Lol! Good luck. I’ll sit over here and enjoy all the gains I’m making from getting rid of CEL and putting that money into SOL. I’m in crypto to make money. Not accumulate and marry a bag of non-performing tokens.

Lol! Good luck. I’ll sit over here and enjoy all t...

So, your "buy the dip" translates into "buy an overbought asset by selling the one which dipped"? :) Hope Celsius will enable swaps soon enough, so you can do that with lesser fees

Lol! Good luck. I’ll sit over here and enjoy all t...

More reason for me to keep HODLing Cel. Thank you for your decision

Anton Shmakov
So, your "buy the dip" translates into "buy an ove...

I never said WHEN I got rid of the CEL and into SOL. 😉

Exactly, More reason to keep accumulating cel.

Hassan Saameeh ©️
Exactly, More reason to keep accumulating cel.

graveyard is full of people with too much faith, and more even in stocks markets....

Its so crazy to me... I don't get it. Such a solid...

I would guess all the defi is sucking the air out of centralized platforms. But I don't really know.

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