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Hello everyone! I have a friend who has 20k and

I am just telling her to use Celsius. Is there a referral program or anything like that for us? Can we get something like a bonus or etc?

Thanks in advance!

4 ответов

10 просмотров

You have a referral code within your app.

silasurf- Автор вопроса
You have a referral code within your app.

Got it! Well I am not a new user will I still be eligible for any new bonuses or rewards? Also will she be eligible for anything as well? Are there any specific tokens that we should hold to receive most amount of rewards? Thanks so much for the fast response ☺️

Got it! Well I am not a new user will I still be e...

If you want her to use a referral code then she will need your referral code. If you are looking for promo codes please checkout celsius.network under the promo code section. Please read the pinned message here as well about codes.

silasurf- Автор вопроса

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