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Do FTX pay your Gas? Or do you mean stake

it there

5 ответов

5 просмотров

Not FTXpro. FTXapp - they pay your gas. It’s like Celsius. Free for you.

Not FTXpro. FTXapp - they pay your gas. It’s like ...

any other exchange which cover gas fee or where support Usdc for Solana network?

any other exchange which cover gas fee or where su...

I think CDC is quite cheap for sending USDC on SOL ? What exactly do you want to buy / send - and on what blockchain. ? I can check cost for you.

I want to buy Usdc from EUR via SEPA, to send to Celsius app, I normally use ftx pro to buy and send to Celsius for free but sepa not working right now in Ftx, so looking for some alternative option

I want to buy Usdc from EUR via SEPA, to send to C...

cdc would be a good bet. Just use the app. Not the exchange. I can send you a bonus signup link if you need.

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