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Does anyone in EU have swaps?

7 ответов

8 просмотров

I think some users from Portugal have the swap

I think some users from Portugal have the swap

Over 50k users are added to the swap every week, if you are platinum and live in a country that is eligible, holland myself been swapping for weeks now

Over 50k users are added to the swap every week, i...

Good for you. I have several family members and friends which are located in different eu countries. Non of them have swap option. All of them have platinum status.

Good for you. I have several family members and fr...

Did they whitelist their email for beta on the site?

Did they whitelist their email for beta on the sit...

I can't say for the my friends but family members and me yes.

Everyone eligible will have it within weeks, again 50k users are added every week, slow roll out..celsius wants to track swap behavior so they won't face any suprises, like it or hate it again in the best interest of the entire community

Everyone eligible will have it within weeks, again...

I hope so, we are waiting more than 2 months to have inapp swap, we can wait couple of months more.

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