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I been HODLing a CEL stack for a while now

and just kinda waiting for it to just get liquidated.
Is there even a point to CEL token anymore aside from cashing early investors out? Someone help me understand

10 ответов

14 просмотров

same tokenomics as when you bought plus more

Arthur-K Автор вопроса
same tokenomics as when you bought plus more

The price performance is wrecked and Celsius Treasury stopped supporting the price.

Arthur K
The price performance is wrecked and Celsius Treas...

Depends on how you view it though, it is redistribution phase

Arthur-K Автор вопроса
they were supporting the price? how?

Treasury buybacks. Only reason I kept staying invested in the token, for downside protection. But that is certainly gone now

Arthur K
Treasury buybacks. Only reason I kept staying inv...

what Treasury buybacks except for the whale that kept dumping?

Arthur-K Автор вопроса
what Treasury buybacks except for the whale that k...

Are you serious? Mashinsky literally did tweets in past stating "Watch the Celsius treasury in action" It's on the chain as well. I've even chatted with the person in charge of these buybacks

Arthur K
Are you serious? Mashinsky literally did tweets i...

just tell me that, I've pointed out I'm not aware of them

Arthur-K Автор вопроса
just tell me that, I've pointed out I'm not aware ...

If I need to point this out, then you're probably not the right person to answer my question

Arthur K
If I need to point this out, then you're probably ...

nobody else is giving you much engagement so go ahead and talk to nobody if you want. I've seen the flywheel and it doesn't include buybacks

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