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I have server Apache, really is an hosting linux very

limited, where no access to the terminal and where the manager of my domain doesn't want to give me the technical data, so I don't know the Ram of my server.

But my server crashes due to my latest project, technical support says "resources are not enough" but I don't understand what the problem is and how I could fix it. Maybe it depends on the Ram?

I am trying to run 250 php files at the same time but I am getting these errors:

[error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: [client xxx. xxx .xxx. 210] - www. website .com - couldn't create child process:

[error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: [client xxx. xxx .xxx .210] - www. website .com - AH01223: couldn't spawn child process:

The execution of each file takes just under 10 minutes. In the script there is a for loop with 270 iterations.

At each iteration I make a cURL request to the API of a website, and use a proxy list. Each request lasts about 2-3 seconds and I need to extrapolate a very light json (about 10kb).

Is there a way to figure out how much RAM each run consumes? Unfortunately I don't understand anything about servers and I don't know how to solve and what to look for (which technical characteristics, RAM, cpu, etc.).

Unfortunately I cannot modify my project, in short, I must necessarily have 258 files that are executed simultaneously.

5 ответов

11 просмотров
Giovanni-VI Автор вопроса

someone can help me ?

sounds like your hosting provider sucks

Giovanni-VI Автор вопроса
sounds like your hosting provider sucks

Yes sure. Is there a telegram group where i can ask help and pay programmer to solve my problem ?

so one file does 10 minutes of execution? do i understand it right?

Giovanni-VI Автор вопроса
so one file does 10 minutes of execution? do i und...

in practice I have to make requests to the API of a site (there are 258 different links). Each link / request returns a different json. This json can change all the time so the more requests I make the better it is for me. To automatically execute each script (I have 258 all identical, where only the link in the cURL request varies) I use cronjobs (a paid service). Currently, based on how much I pay, I have about 40 thousand cronjobs per day, so in order to make as many requests as possible I run the 258 scripts every 10 minutes. (1440 * 258 = 371520 cronjobs / executions per day). In each file there is a for loop with 270 iterations. At each iteration I make a cURL request to the website's API (to avoid blocks I use a proxy list). If it helps yesterday I used memory_get_usage and each script return 0.9 Mb. The strange thing about this is that for about 20 days everything worked perfectly. The problem is not the code, in fact if I run it individually it works fine. I wonder ... could it be that the server has a limit of concurrent executions? and if so, why did it work for 20 days? Furthermore, it may be that the database (in which i saved some data) is too full and therefore these errors have now appeared (500 status code).

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