my calculations it doesn't come close to the 5.35 in kind APY rewards...
5.35% APY is 5.214408107811774% APR (compounding weekly)
5.214408107811774 / 365 * 7 = 0.1 % should be the % rewards for 1 week
but for this first weak I only got 0.77% that's about 23% less
What am I missing?
what day did you deposit your ETH?
Check the rewards explorer for full calculation details
Sorry, my bad, I deposited between 29/30 and as I understand rates are calculated from Friday to Friday and paid out on Monday, is it correct? In that case I'm oviously missing a day or two...
that is correct.
Should have finished my morning coffee first... sorry!
no worries no need to apologise.
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