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I open an opp from my app with the package

manager. Now I want to go to a part of that app, for example, the setting part of that app. Can I get something like this or access the touch?

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Does anyone know the answer to my question?

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Bro i made an app that open another app right? For example my app open the telegram . My question is how i can go the part of telegram after telegram opened programmatically . Like settings

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Siddarth R Iyer
how is this a Kotlin question

You said the explanation, so I gave an example for you

You said the explanation, so I gave an example for...

I don't think you're following what I'm saying. This is a group for Kotlin, the programming language. What you're asking is a question that has nothing to do with Kotlin, the programming language. Why did you expect you would get an answer here?

Bro i made an app that open another app right? For...

What you want is an autoclicker. It's a not straightforward process and is generally frowned upon because how can we be sure you aren't trying to create an automation for scamming purposes?

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