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How does Celsius manage risk? What are the chances Celsius

sustains substantial losses and is unable to return deposits? Where can I read about it?

8 ответов

14 просмотров

Loans are collateralized, they don't employ all the Crypto in 1 space, they use multisig wallets, custodial services and more.

You can also follow @Mashinsky on twitter and join the weekly Tuesday twitter spaces call and ask that question directly to Alex....

teeron- Автор вопроса
Loans are collateralized, they don't employ all th...

Is there a full write up where I can see the numbers and allocations between different sectors.

Celsius is at less risk of a large hack than most exchanges strictly due to the fact they have funds deployed generating yield with multiple thoroughly vetted counter parties which include institutions and DeFi protocols. No single counter party holds more than a few percent of Celsius’s AUM, which really limits risk across the board. It would take an industry wide black swan type of event to cause sort of significant loss.

This data is proprietary and not published by Celsius as far as I’m aware

teeron- Автор вопроса
This data is proprietary and not published by Cels...

Hmm, so in your subjective opinion. What's the best way to compare it to other similar services.

Hmm, so in your subjective opinion. What's the bes...

Lots of research I guess. I’m not overly familiar with other familiar services and how they claim to generate their yield. I do know that Celsius is is the largest in the space and their rates are representative of the actual market rates and conditions.

teeron- Автор вопроса
Lots of research I guess. I’m not overly familiar ...

I'm trying to research, but usually everything is hidden behind a wall and you have to just trust it.

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