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Help me out here - where does grandfather old deposit

stop people from getting rekt by shotty business practices? Like if regulators actually cared they would nix the whole endeavor? Also do they have enforcement letters being sent we should know about that lead to this action being taken?

5 ответов

7 просмотров

We saw the enforcement letters and fines from BlockFi. Looks like Celsius is acting before those things come. Or maybe we see a fat fine in a few weeks too.

We saw the enforcement letters and fines from Bloc...

What if they already knew this for quite some time, so that's where all the devs workforce went, to develop their new custody solution and service changes

What if they already knew this for quite some time...

What exactly is a custody service if not just an account that holds your asset…? I gusss I don’t get all of what goes into that tbh.

What exactly is a custody service if not just an a...

maybe it's just a fancy way of saying "code changes to handle the new restrictions" lol

maybe it's just a fancy way of saying "code change...

I honestly don’t know what this entails. But I feel like it entails nothing lol.

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