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I am currently thinking about localization within python. There seem to

be two sets of problems associated with it.
The user interface which might have to have different design cause words are longer or shorter on one hand, and the data wrangling in the back end on the other.

1) I think gettext and alike seem to be the way to go, are there better options or best practices I have missed?

2) How do you solve the design changes of your user facing UI in terms of locales you might not even fully know on runtimes? Think ratio of space for button vs textbox as most simple case.

2 ответов

6 просмотров

for design, don't use fixed values for width/height...allow stretching . You could use grid where possible. Also try to find words/synonyms with fewer letters

Jan-Platypus Автор вопроса

Okay using gettext and dynamic user interfaces. Now I got the question is for smaller files (sub 10x50 kb) json fine (json tool) or would you use a more efficient format and packing? Pro: human readable, easy to use for others; Con: inefficiency

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