Похожие чаты

Def integer(x): count = 0 for item in x: if item.isdigit(): count +=1 if count

return True
return False

def checked_str(x):
count_lower = 0
count_upper =0
for item in x:
if item.isalpha():
checked = item is item.upper()
if checked :
count_upper +=1
count_lower +=1

if (count_lower ==0) or (count_upper ==0):
return False
return True

c = input("enter youre pass")
if integer(c):
if not checked_str(c):
print("sorry but u should input at least 1 charachter lower case and at least one character uppercase too!")

print("you forget put at least one integer in youre password! try again")

does any one know whats wrong with this code?

3 ответов

4 просмотра

indentation atleast

Did you get the indentation right?

Where is the self component?

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