Похожие чаты

U mean some format to store data or an actual

database ?
if 1:
json and csv are proved to be great, while json is for data types in which the structure of data is dynamic and CSV is good for simple structures with headers and etc that are seperated by a delimiter ( ; , SPACE TAB etc)
if 2:
u should address the probelm u r trying to solve, is it required to deal with large data? ( DATA > some GBs )
if so, u should use oracle or ms sql server
if not so big data, and u need a DB then use something like Sqlite

PS: do u need to access the data locally or is it stored on a server? if it is server and data is big -> Sql server, Oracle . if not, mysql is good choice.

4 ответов

7 просмотров
ma-Asgari Автор вопроса

sumplementary material: CSV format example: header1, header2, header3, ... data1,data2,data3,.... (, is the delimter here) JSON format example: It is just like a dictionary in python, accessable by importing json module and using dump and load for coding/ decoding data in json format respectively.

What sort of devil spawn are you to recommend Oracle and mssql?

I'm writing a telegram bot to log warnings in my chat

nosql for the win!

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