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I'M in 6 figures ...my whole lifes saving is literally

in Celsius on HODL mode. I admit I'm squirming in my chair some. However I sincerely trust Alex and I ...hope I'm right that they are doing all this to preserve and protect the community. Alex is among the most public figures in crypto and well respected, right!? I don't like this move but I feel like it'll turn out.

23 ответов

12 просмотров

can you at least get out of HODL mode?

I think I’m moving away from Celsius.

JaDeM- Автор вопроса
can you at least get out of HODL mode?

IDK haven't tried yet, want to hear from Alex. Cant see any benefit in stuck in now either way right

IDK haven't tried yet, want to hear from Alex. Can...

I never had HODL mode enabled before but I thought after disabling HODL mode...can you do instant withdrawals?

The brutal reality is once the asset is on Celsius it is no longer yours. Like us all we had faith then and that’s all we have now. It’s all in their hands (literally). Good luck!

JaDeM- Автор вопроса
JaDeM- Автор вопроса
The brutal reality is once the asset is on Celsius...

Truth. Only use non custodial wallets going forward. Not your keys not your crypto.

The brutal reality is once the asset is on Celsius...

There are reports some of our funds were used and now they can’t pay their debt so the customer may lose

JaDeM- Автор вопроса
Where did you see this?

Their liquidity is dwindling because people were withdrawing

JaDeM- Автор вопроса

Ya he seems solid. A bit of an ego..but all entreprenuers do. I was really hoping he woukd defeat the banks. I personally think they lost their way when they started to stock offerings. Turned coin into frequent flyer coin. But you cannot expect banks not to fight back they have lost a lot of money due to crypro and defi.

Same here, hopeful, but looks bleak

JaDeM- Автор вопроса
Same here, hopeful, but looks bleak

Ya we could be in for a long ride now. Hopefully they treat those of us stuck in to something extra, compensation of some sort

Ya we could be in for a long ride now. Hopefully t...

A long run with faff and aml and kyc aswell as regulators NO WAY

With you 😞👍 email is worded to help keep calm , says rewards continue.

things will be alright. Just hang in there. Celsius ain't going anywhere. Steady lads.

Into what? Voyager?

Is Voyager safe? Don’t they deposit some of their USDC on to Celsius for yield?

JaDeM- Автор вопроса
Is Voyager safe? Don’t they deposit some of their ...

I'm not sure about that? I'm only with Celsius but have considered putting new money in Voyager because I'm not accredited so...

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