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Guys, asking for an option here: what you do if

you were me.

I have 3 btc earning right now, and 3 btc about to be margin called tomorrow morning. Would you risk losing it all to cover the margin call or sacrifice the 3 by letting them get liquidated and keep the 3 that I have?

Asking for an honest opinion.

12 ответов

19 просмотров

If it’s all in Celsius you cover your collateral of course. You have no reason to risk liquidation

Mario- Автор вопроса
Al MicMac
If it’s all in Celsius you cover your collateral o...

But what happens if the price continues to go down even more? Now I risk getting another margin call. Or God forbid Celsius comes out bankrupt or something shady. Then I'm left with zero Bitcoin and a precarious scenario. No?

But what happens if the price continues to go down...

Are you talking about putting fresh BTC or BTC already in Celsius

Mario- Автор вопроса
Al MicMac
Are you talking about putting fresh BTC or BTC alr...

Btc already in Celsius. That's earning yield. Basically my only 3.

Btc already in Celsius. That's earning yield. Basi...

Then you add collateral simple. Always protect first. When BTC goes up you can reduce collateral , once operations are hopefully resumed to that extent

Mario- Автор вопроса
Al MicMac
Then you add collateral simple. Always protect fir...

See, that's the positive scenario. That " hopefully" is a big if. And if the price continues to go down, I risk losing everything. That's my fear. And why I haven't done it yet. Unless you or someone can convince me otherwise. Really appreciate your feedback btw.

See, that's the positive scenario. That " hopefull...

If you’re funds are there already then there is no additional risk. That’s all I will say as the rest is easily calculated.

Not financial advise but i would not put more funds until knowing wtfk is really happening from Celsius officially. Risk of losing everything is worse than loosing half. But this is only my view maybe I’m pessimistic, based on sentiment and data, i know a few that chose to cover the margin. Good luck, hope it goes well for us all.

Mario- Автор вопроса

Thank you Dan, your sentiment is more aligned with mine on this one.

Thank you Dan, your sentiment is more aligned with...

I’m just a joe in the internet, make your own mind. :)

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