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Just in from what source?

Daniel Sezanayev
Just in from what source?

source = trust me bro, because he said he pulled out of celsiuus in May. he betrayed us. now gives up hope on rumorrs. why do this. itt is ccruel.

source = trust me bro, because he said he pulled o...

What’s the trouble with still keeping us informed and positive

source = trust me bro, because he said he pulled o...

don't you get it? he's trying to help despite he is safe; he doesn't have to

Kind man
What’s the trouble with still keeping us informed ...

it is great when they post credible souurces. but he said himself that he puled oout of celsius last month. but claims too have insider informatioon. i dont want to be happy, just to get said

source = trust me bro, because he said he pulled o...

He might of had his own reasons but he still can offer insight

it is great when they post credible souurces. but ...

All the information we get here is not here or there , we need to wait for Alex

don't you get it? he's trying to help despite he i...

it is because he was 142k followers and always recommended celsius to tthem. so now he feels obilgation, since his rep is on the line. depsite him betraying us last month. so thatts my oopinion on plan c

it is great when they post credible souurces. but ...

the risk was there because of the BTC maxi warnings and many withdrew.

it is because he was 142k followers and always rec...

i dont think he is the cause of mass ppl withdrawaling that cause the lock

i dont think he is the cause of mass ppl withdrawa...

your right hes not. it was mike alfred, corey swanbitcoin, and bubble media who caused the FUD. they are at fault for tthis. it is not alex’s fault that there wass a bank run. he did his best to accomdate. 3bn in withdrawals inn 1 month, who else could handle that and still be running. but alex took care of it. but still, not nicec for planC to give us hope after pulling ouut. i hope hes right though of course. i am financially ruined if not.

don't you get it? he's trying to help despite he i...

That is a good point, I was thinking, it would be cool to have an indicator of positive sentiment towards Celsius from people without hopium-bias from being locked in. I have asked myself if I would have believed they would make it, if I didn't have anything at stake. People vouching for celcius without being invested is a really good sign in my book

your right hes not. it was mike alfred, corey swan...

It's not over until it is. whether you decide to give up or not, do whichever is better for your mental health

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