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The GME scenario is interesting. Wd be great to see

the shorters squeezed by the community. I might be missing something though but I don’t see how that’s a main focus/cause to stop withdrawals? There must be other root causes - and if it’s as simple as unwinding institutional loans over a few weeks to pull back the community’s coins to make them available to withdraw - then that would make sense.
I understand there’s a lot of factors and players involved in the game theory taking place right now so we r not seeing any cards being put on the table just yet. Hopefully we get that clear path to a resolution from Alex soon 👍

4 ответов

16 просмотров

correct. destroying the shorts do not fix the problem of mass users withdrawing (no bank or cefi lender can deal with mass panic withdrawals). how the system works some people have to leave money in the platform for others to be able to withdraw but doesn't work if everyone withdrawals at the same time. preventing cel token from going to 0 would be the first step to instill more confidence in the platform. if we can fix sentiment and trust then things can continue to run normally. it wont be easy and will take time. as long as Celsius not make bad bets or get liquidated, we should be able to withdraw them eventually imo

correct. destroying the shorts do not fix the pro...

I feel the same but I am not at the point of pulling off this company can make it

Grizzly @CeljayCel
I feel the same but I am not at the point of pulli...

no one really knows the final outcome yet and its normal to feel whichever way. there aren't much we can do except support the company in recovering

no one really knows the final outcome yet and its ...

True I am just trying to stay positive if not I will go to dark place and that's when I lash out I went at big boy hard

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