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Have you seen latest tweets from BitBoy about Celsius? Definitely

not encouraging. Just wondering, what’s your thoughts?

18 ответов

40 просмотров

Bitboy has been wrong so many times

Ross- Автор вопроса

I spoke to someone I consider an expert in the space. The ceo is a large crypto project. His words were “it’s over”. That their secured creditors would likely have to wait years in bankruptcy court before they saw a penny and users would likely get nothing. Not trying to FUD but I do trust this persons opinion on these sorts of things. He was the person who warned me to take my money out. And so glad he did.

I am not speaking about bitboy here as I don't know information about his loan situation. The loan process in general operates like this. With loans the INTEREST on the loan can be paid back in with different coins depending on what is available to your area and which complies with local regulations in that area. However, the PRINCIPAL must be paid back in BORROWED FORM. Individuals are ONLY able to borrow stablecoins or bank Transfer. This means if you borrow stablecoins you must pay back the principal in STABLECOINS. You can NOT use your BTC and or other coins to pay back the principal unless it is a stablecoin like you borrowed. Celsius will not sell your collateral (BTC or other specific coin) and convert to stablecoin for you to close out the loan. This incurs a cost for Celsius. You must add the stablecoins to the app and depending on the size you can close the loan yourself. This is the structure to comply with AML laws from my understanding. After this process is complete your collateral becomes unlocked. I hope this helps everyone understand the loan process.

Don Crypto
I spoke to someone I consider an expert in the spa...

A large crypto project doesn't mean anything

It means he’s connected to lots of insiders, lawyers, and other connected people in the space. And he’s been right about other stuff like this. I’m not saying he’s 100% guaranteed correct on this, I’m just saying that he usually is.

Don Crypto
It means he’s connected to lots of insiders, lawye...

My barbers wife’s boyfriend is a financial consultant for a large funeral home chain and he told me everything was gonna be okay.

Don Crypto
I spoke to someone I consider an expert in the spa...

So your super connected friend warned you to get your money out yet you are still here in this telegram for whatever reason That doesn’t track

Don Crypto
It means he’s connected to lots of insiders, lawye...

Lawyers know the law, they don’t know the financial situation of the company which is the most critical part

Don Crypto
I spoke to someone I consider an expert in the spa...

Just the kind of thing that will cause a bank run.

Ethereum Trump
My barbers wife’s boyfriend is a financial consult...

Bro! You gotta let your barber know his wife is cheating on him

He’s clueless

Seems Goldman Sachs and others are preparing to capitalize on a bankruptcy, so apparently he was not “clueless”.

He’s clueless


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