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How would you guys gauge Mike Alfred’s credibility? He appears

to be a guy who looks for image weaknesses in projects (like “Cardano is vaporware”) just in order to bring them down. Also he recognizes schemes like Hex for what they are and compares the products of other companies with it. He appears to rely on people’s ignorance of the projects when he makes these comparisons

3 ответов

11 просмотров

That guy is a joke. He behaves like a capricious kid

Klaus- Автор вопроса
That guy is a joke. He behaves like a capricious k...

I have friends who are anti-crypto like he appears to be (not going to be customers of any projects) and they tend to view things exactly like he talks about them

I have friends who are anti-crypto like he appears...

He blocked me on Twitter because I replied on one of his tweet that I don’t agree with him

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