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There is a high probability we lose everything but if

there is a small hope, it is one of the following. I have spent every day on twitter and telegram trying to understand the situation and any possibility of a positive outcome. Here is what I have found. To me everything else is noise right now. This is my opinion as of today until further news come out. Make your own mind up but I'm interested in hearing why these aren't viable and only if you understand the situation in full and each of the following.

1) Miraculously they are illiquid and not insolvent. Means they might get some refinancing to stay operational and overtime release our assets. PlanC claims to independent from Celsius and hes done more research on the situation than 99% in here hence why I put some weight on things he says, but it's just a rumour and not proof. (Rumour link https://twitter.com/TheRealPlanC/status/1537897130676801538?t=Pch-yYUfPmVyjXckUJ7l8g&s=19)

2) They can work out a deal with other players inside crypto for some sort of merger and acquisition. We assume Nexo are serious about their offer and are not just using us as marketing. We also assume they see Celsiuses failure as an existential crises and need to fix this to save themselves. In this scenario I think we get some of our assets back but I doubt all. (See the video https://youtu.be/EJ_GaG2KxDE)

3) We have some sort of bitfinex style swap of our assets for a token that represents the dollar value of our assets as of the day they release it so that our assets become liquid and the risk of them not repaying it can be traded on the open market. Simon Dixon lead this for bitfinex and is an investor and depositor in Celcius. He has also tweeted that he and his team are involved with Celsius trying to find a resolution. Also he is a fucking smart and good guy. ( See video https://youtu.be/RoxDg_dX4l8)

2 ответов

16 просмотров

This is a sober and very possible assessment of the situation moving forward

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this

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