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If I understand correctly, if Celsius pays off the 200

mil in DAI debt we should be in the clear?

17 ответов

14 просмотров

No they only need to add some more collatoral to the loan to lower the liquidation point

not at all. we already know they could pay off the loan right now. the question is if they have enough assets to pay. us, their investors, off

Myles-Ashitey Автор вопроса
Brad ©
No they only need to add some more collatoral to t...

What’s the safe zone for the liquidation point? (Also thx for the explanation)

Liquidition price is around 13603$ atm

and this being fully transparent, they will try to liquidate Celsius

and this being fully transparent, they will try to...

But they don’t know how much collateral can be added or when celsius creditors are making any funds available. Hence total silence

and this being fully transparent, they will try to...

They are just unsure how much Celsius can still add to lower the liq price.

Myles-Ashitey Автор вопроса
Myles-Ashitey Автор вопроса
Al MicMac
Ideally 0 & have it repaid


Myles-Ashitey Автор вопроса

Just exhausted. Would like access to the funds even if it was a slow but sure process

Brad ©
No they only need to add some more collatoral to t...

Could you imagine what would happen if they did pay it off though. The CEL shorts would crap their pants and we'd see a short squeeze. And the BTC whales wouldn't have a liquidation point to hunt for anymore so we'd get an excellent pop there too. Not likely for that to happen soon, but it was fun to play out that scenario in my mind. 😂

Think most likely Celsius would be adding more collateral to a liquidation is Less than 10k BTC. To be safe !

Brad ©
No they only need to add some more collatoral to t...

Yes, no point paying off the loan as Celsius will take loss in result and we will be getting less for sure! As long Celsius has enough collateral and Bitcoin is not going to 0. Everything will be ok once the tide has turned!

Exodus Leong
Think most likely Celsius would be adding more col...

Where do they get these assets to top up collateral?

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