Похожие чаты

Is anyone here on this #CelShortSqueeze? Can anyone prove that the

numbers DONT work on this?
83% of CEL locked on platform.. low liquidity and tokens being removed from FTX and exchanges to private wallets.. with enough eyes, this could drill and destroy the people trying to ruin celsius


some people have got the attention of Wall Street Bets.
other whales have been buying up $CEL big and taking it off FTX (on that call yesterday, one guy was buying $250k of CEL)
Also, why is there such a massive buy wall at $0.51??
Someone knows some thing.

Are we in this or what??

We have zero control over everything else, but we have control over this.

You dont need to buy a lot.. it could be $10 or $50.. But only what you can afford

Total $CEL on all exchanges yesterday 14.56 million is now down to 13.25 million.
FTX was at 8.586 million and are now at less than 6.7M CEL tokens

What do to ?

1. Buy spot $CEL on FTX.
2. Move tokens to Metamask
3. Connect to 1inch and set sell orders ~$100

11 ответов

11 просмотров

Keep reposting this

Dose anyone know any Big time folks on Twitter they could DM ? We got to get a movement going

Why would someone want to buy this ? It has zero utility now

Victor B
Dose anyone know any Big time folks on Twitter the...

The only people willing to fight for CEL would be people with locked up funds. Then they would likely fight against like bitboy. We just need info to wtf is going on first!

Tech&Money- Автор вопроса
Why would someone want to buy this ? It has zero u...

Do you know how short squeezes work? Watch this for context. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzByPBfROE8 People (possibly tradfi or Ftx ) are shorting CEL.. but they need to buy cel back to close their shorts. if cel is removed from exchanges and set to sell at 10, 20, 20, 40.. short sellers have no choice but to buy at higher levels to close out their positions

Tech&Money- Автор вопроса
Victor B
Dose anyone know any Big time folks on Twitter the...

A few people have contacted larger groups, but no luck yet, but collectively yesterday over 700K tokens were removed.. Its actually a trade that anyone with interest and understanding of short squeezes will 100% get and want to trade it. Even if they hate celsius.. its about making the short sellers pay. and that money can be returned to anyone holding cel outside the platform..

Tech&Money- Автор вопроса
The only people willing to fight for CEL would be ...

no.. who cares about BItboy. this is flushing out the bad actors that started this BS and fud against celsius. if enough people move on this, they will bankrupt the short sellers while making a shit ton of money

I bought more CEL

How are you guys going with this? All of my crypto is locked in my Celsius account

K1 (Scammers do not PM me!)
How are you guys going with this? All of my crypto...

I have 90% of it on Celsius so it sucks, it had been tough, yesterday was when I finally told my parents about it

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