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Its sad if celsius who prided themselves on getting out

of USDT and Luna are taking massive trades with poor risk management ( ?)

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.-𒆜 Автор вопроса

well theres a couple that have been pointed out. this one maybe https://oasis.app/25977#Overview I dont really know whats going on but in my mind theres a fair chance bitcoin goes to complete the abcd and to the 88.6 making that extremely risky

. 𒆜
well theres a couple that have been pointed out. t...

Well what they did was use wbtc to get an over collateralized dai loan in which they could then lend out the dai for a higher yield for us the users imo. I wouldn't say thats a risky trade.

Well what they did was use wbtc to get an over col...

It's more then that, tieing up so much eth as well. That eth should of had a lock.

It's more then that, tieing up so much eth as well...

That eth has been locked up since 2020 if I'm not mistaken with no issues as the stEth/eth had liquidity, so the model was working fine until the heavy FUD started coming in which caused the bank run.

It's more then that, tieing up so much eth as well...

Yes it should for end user too if committed to eth to zero

.-𒆜 Автор вопроса
Well what they did was use wbtc to get an over col...

ok well maybe just all this fud I'm getting hit with but lthat block works article said they were in trouble because of - " poor risk management, bearish market conditions, and overexposure to stETH . " Ethereums going to come through on top, the market bounces over 11 k , imo but hopefully their risk management is better than some think https://blockworks.co/celsius-calls-on-citigroup-for-options-after-liquidity-squeeze-report-says/

They were staking Eth 2.0 as well

Yeah thats what I was alluding to, the stake on the beacon chain

That eth has been locked up since 2020 if I'm not ...

Just make an stETH pool in the app, give us HODLers stETH, no big deal for me

. 𒆜
ok well maybe just all this fud I'm getting hit wi...

It says liquidity squeeze which is exactly what they are experiencing, not insolvency. Its easy for a lender to suffer a liquidity squeeze if all users requests their deposits all at once.

Could be a solution, but then as you can see the stEth/eth pool has been getting targeted also causing a depeg which would in turn mean we would get 0.93~ eth back for every 1 eth deposited

Just make an stETH pool in the app, give us HODLer...

I’m the same absolutely no problem with that

Kind man
I’m the same absolutely no problem with that

They need to get the steth by paying bk the aave loan first

Just make an stETH pool in the app, give us HODLer...

It this solves a lot of problem for Celsius….think going that route is an easy one

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