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Just a question: since people have been posting various wallet

addresses for Celsius and watching some of the Celsius moves in posting collateral, etc. this weekend, if Celsius is actively unwinding assets loaned out to get back liquidity at is being speculated, shouldn’t people be able to see those assets/liquidity returning to the Celsius wallets in real time? Or would that activity not be on chain? Or go to other wallets that no one knows about?

2 ответов

9 просмотров

Idk if we see all wallets

The big thing we are waiting for is the wbtc loan to be paid off as that would free up a lot of BTC. Then that BTC could be used to allow BTC withdrawals. For the stEth imo they can either offer stEth withdrawals or wait until for Eth 2.0 to allow Eth withdrawals.

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