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Meanwhile, my theory is that the attackers simply didn't expect

#Celsius to sacrifice itself (reputation temporarily ruined by the lockup), they expected to be able to cause liquidations. Otherwise they would hardly have shorted $CEL in such a way... (pure speculation on my part)

Now the shorter ones have put themselves in an impossible situation and are being crushed step by step. No relief for them in sight - no pity at all - no mercy!

Rarely has a crypto crash given me such joy $CEL 🚀🚀🚀

#CELshortsqueeze #Celsius #CelsiusNetwork


5 ответов

4 просмотра

If they resume the withdrawals in two weeks, it will a bad dream. If they keep silent for 1 months or more without any withdrawals, it will become a nightmare and destroy the trust.

Stefano-Leonardi Автор вопроса
If they resume the withdrawals in two weeks, it wi...

Well when they’re a run on the bank because idiots fell for it, then in a bank run their terms and conditions said it would need to cease operations until it can safeguard peoples funds or else it would collapse and you’d have lost everything now. Instead just like any bank during a bank run, this policy is to protect investors and so you’re lucky they did lock all our funds and are trying to resolve the situation whilst still being systemically attacked by fudders and short sellers trying to bankrupt CELSIUS. The rivals are very bad bad Wall Street linked crypto players. So be thankful you still have your funds and they’re getting staking rewards as they would have been if none of this was happening. We are at war so we fight. Celsius have earned my trust by the way they’re tackling things and have not just given up to the attackers and let our money go to bankruptcy. So hopefully if they save our funds it will be a very trustworthy company if they survive this. Stop fudding and help out and don’t hinder things. Get short squeezing.

Stefano Leonardi
Well when they’re a run on the bank because idiots...

If they survive and open withdrawals, what are the guarantees that people still won't bank run? There has to be some some kind of bonus or something for people to stay with Celsius after this

If they survive and open withdrawals, what are the...

I assume they'll have to do it with capped withdrawals, just to make sure they don't lose everything. Either that or go so public that people can be completely confident they aren't short on funds

I assume they'll have to do it with capped withdra...

Having funds proof of funds still won't be enough for people to stay, it has to be something that goes above and beyond for users to still use the platform.

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