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Here is my own vision and hope on the future

of Celsius with respect to Staking in the context of Cardano. I am just an outsider and have no special knowledge. I have taken inspiration and learnings and thoughts from the great Charles Hoskinson:

First it is important to understand that each stake pool has it’s own unique community and motives and values. Some may try to squeeze the most profit from its delegators for themselves while others try to give maximum profit back to the delegators. Some may target audiences in specific geographic regions, And some may target certain types of people. Some might have political agendas or humanitarian agendas. Some may use a portion of their profits towards helping local communities or funding other businesses. And some may give you additional credit or re-investment towards something. All these things are happening today on Cardano.

When you understand that stakepools are profitable businesses and have all these diversified interests, it is really something to celebrate because it also promotes decentralization.

OK so if you practice self custody on a wallet that you control it has limited functionality today. It will allow you to delegate to just one pool per wallet. What if you wanted to delegate to many pools? It’s an awkward and frustrating user experience.

So this is where and how Celsius comes in to on-board the next 99 million users…

When you send your stakable assets like Ada to Celsius you might, by default be delegated to a Celsius owned StakePool. However there would be a staking screen where you are presented with a drop-down menu that lets you select or multi select stake pools that you can delegate to. After this selection you will be presented with an interactive pie chart that allows you to adjust the percentage weight of each stakepool that you selected.

Now, just let that sink in. By doing this, you have just created your own personal investment portfolio based on your own unique interests and values. You have just become your own fund manager! 👋Buh bye banks!

Celsius can then suggest “popular community portfolios”, or “past high performance portfolios” or “dynamic portfolios” or “AI-adaptive portfolios”.📈

You see? Celsius becomes an intermediary aggregator of crypto, investment advice, yield opportunities, and community, along with borrowing and card services etc. Celsius facilitates your financial freedom through innovation. A better bank, with your interest at heart, all made possible by leveraging the power of blockchain! 🤯🔥

They become the “BnkofTheFuture” which of course only makes sense since Simon Dixon of BnkToTheFuture invested. Lol

- Rico (ambassador)

2 ответов

19 просмотров


But I’m some points he is right ….

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