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I think Alex’s rep is tarnished now?

11 ответов

34 просмотра

Mashinsky is done, toast, stick a fork in him

Or well…..if we dont get our coins back, mashinsky is going to be the roger ver of cefi

There’d have to be some epic story and evidence of an unavoidable coordinated attack and then subsequent definitive and deliberate steps taken to save a meltdown and loss of assets. Sounds unlikely at best if u ask me..

Shaminsky will be fine. Many of the 1.7 million users he screwed, not so much.

Shaminsky will be fine. Many of the 1.7 million us...

Bur let’s keep being supportive with words that are away from distressful ones

If Alex steps down, I think Simon Dixon would be a great new CEO imo. He already has a big equity in Celsius and is prob the most passionate guy in regards to a rescue plan

Shaminsky will be fine. Many of the 1.7 million us...

Lmao yeah im sure he has a golden parachute Honestly, if they file BK, thats just dumb They should just open up withdrawls, let the bank run happen, then BK when the coffers run empty This freeze withdrawl stinks the longer it is in place

If Alex steps down, I think Simon Dixon would be a...

He isn’t already CEO of Bank to the future? In my opinion they should hire a person with solid business background (traditional finance) that then moved into crypto stage…perhaps a country manager of some fintech or alike

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