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Do you guys think we will receive any updates from

Celsius today? (7 days after the previous announcement)

6 ответов

7 просмотров

I agree.. we dont know what his agenda is. And he wants to bail out celsius with us loosing our coins and getting a iou token

@HODL_ON can you please make sure Alex M is aware of this? I feel very strongly that Celsius and the lawyers Celsius are working with have our interests at heart. I think Simon D needs to be contacted by the lawyers at this point so that we can be sure our interests are not compromised by Simon D working behind the scene which may be well meant but may not have the interest of us the smaller depositors at heart. Of course I do not know, and maybe he does. I just want to do my due diligence in this and do what I can to have the right outcome for those of us that deposited our coins in Celsius and that would be fine with a longer lockup period if this would mean we would get all our coins back at some point. (I’ve send you a DM as well re this)

@HODL_ON can you please make sure Alex M is aware ...

Dont think he will reply, but i saw he was online for a cel shortsquuze live talk on Twitter Yesterday so they are here in the background

Black Box
I agree.. we dont know what his agenda is. And he ...

Nobody proposes a bailout to a business expecting it to be unprofitable. (Except the FED) In any sort of bailout the lender expect and will help the business. Do you really think if that Simon helps the company he expect it to remain profitable by shooting his own foot by stealing the users? Lol.. people are so naive about finance and business. Do you really think FTX lent money to Voyager and BlockFi so they can go broke and never payback FTX? Thats a really smart move. I cannot even understand. Plus nobody knows if there is a bailout needed. So much mental masturbation and overthinking without data.

Nobody proposes a bailout to a business expecting ...

People cannot even understand the collateral ratio data... Not even the onchain data. They get it from some youtuber that does not know about trade, does not know about finance and make his livings out of "viewers" . If these youtubers were really good in finance/trading they would not be youtubers. Think about that. They would be hidden making 10x what they do with youtube and building algos to do it. 😂😂 It's like "I'll teach you my interpretation of finance/crypto but I don't know about it so you can have the feeling of understanding and pay me as a viewer" Coinbureau: rekt Bitboy: rekt InvestAnswers: rekt Digital Asset News: rekt Crypto Banter: rekt They are just not rekt because they are hodlers. But from a trading understanding? God... One does not really understand finance if he does not understand trading. Because the concept of finance derives from tradings

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