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Why does Simon Dixon keep tweeting? If his offer was

that good surely him and Celsius would have done a deal already without anyone in the public domain knowing. His constant tweets to me look like he needs the external support and Celsius don’t need him? These are questions not me putting the idea down.

8 ответов

11 просмотров

Simon's proposal will require the support of the community/depositors. His tweets are to help circulate the idea and gather support.

He is probably just as scared of Celsius going down as us and wants to try to influence the masses/shareholders into voting for his solution (Even though Alex can super-vote the shareholders decision off, it's bad image for Alex)

He believes TradFi deals are being discussed and will be predatory I don’t know if he’s seen any offers though. As they would also be under NDA He’s acting as if Celsius are insolvent but we do not know that is the case at all I’m happy he is looking to help but his plans seem quite complex So we should be ready to assess and have critical feedback before deciding whether to support or otherwise

Simon's proposal will require the support of the c...

This is correct If we feel it is the best way forward only As Celsius are also working in the background and it would need to be something they will be happy with

Andy-Matthews Автор вопроса
Al MicMac
He believes TradFi deals are being discussed and w...

Ok, I appreciate that but for me it’s becoming too repetitive & seems like he needs support. Just my opinion, not shooting people down.

Al MicMac
He believes TradFi deals are being discussed and w...

Let me just say this regarding the solvency part: If the only issue Celsius had was liquidity, it would make zero sense to close down 100% of the withdrawals for so long, it would make more sense to limit the withdrawals... Like other companies are doing... 🤷‍♂️ I can be wrong, but that's the way I see it...

Let me just say this regarding the solvency part: ...

With prices so low it makes perfect sense If prices higher much more leeway

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