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If 550.000 active cell users put on average 5000 usd

in a managed fund for Celsius, this would raise 2.75 billion usd. Celsius would be back to where it was three weeks before they paused withdrawals. Can we make this work?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

No they would rather talk to lawyers , this is not new fren , was proposed on twatter by someone maybe not Otis

Plus many users should just have little assets in Celsius. I saw many 0.0x rewards in the rewards explorer.

Sunshine- Автор вопроса

I saw also someone on twitter saying they had 8 figures in there and were asking how to prop up Celsius saying they have funds available to do so. 550.000 active users can come together and save Celsius. People rising up changed the regimes in countries - just example of the power of the people, not asking for regime change in Celsius. I don’t know how to organise it, but we as a group can do it if we focus, call friends with contacts. We need someone with experience in all this to lead a similar effort as the short cell squeeze.

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