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The halted withdrawals is GOOD .... everytime i spoke about

trading everyone here said they were holders(I said this because u always have to have a plan B btc even as a holder u can open a short 1.5x leverage wont hurt you so if it rains you will still have a bag)

ok now if u are a holder why are you worried about halted withdrawal you should be celebrating instead right ?

11 ответов

4 просмотра

I have stable coins locked that I want to use to buy at lower prices

Cause i want my money

Nonsense bro, the great thing about crypto is that you are in charge of your money. Celsius mission was to always allow investors to withdraw. They have broken that promise and imo lost 90% of investors’ trust.

this is some mental gymnastics

Rocky_celsius- Автор вопроса
Ryder SafeHaven
Nonsense bro, the great thing about crypto is that...

If u want to be in charge of your money u should have got yourself a ledger

Pervy Sage
this is some mental gymnastics

Lol “celsius going bankrupt and giving all our coins to lawyers and alex’s wife’s NFT fashion business and leaving us with nothing is actually good for everyone”

Rocky_celsius- Автор вопроса
I have stable coins locked that I want to use to b...

What if we drop more then they are actually helping you

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