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NoReverseMatch at /watch/1175cbdd-1370-4a6f-a8da-36aa2da495f0/ Reverse for 'play' with keyword arguments '{'movie_id': ''}'

not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['movie/play/(?P<movie_id>[^/]+)/$']

this is the error i am getting, i searched on stack overflow but there werent many answers for this

12 ответов

7 просмотров

how is this related to Python?

hydrozzen- Автор вопроса
hydrozzen- Автор вопроса


The error seems to be for both watch and movie/play urls. Is that right?

The only diff I can see is that the error has a /watch/. Your URL doesn't have the starting /

It seems you're calling the play route, not watch

hydrozzen- Автор вопроса

Nah, What should be the corrected path?? Actually the project on which I am working is not mine,it belongs to someone else

Nah, What should be the corrected path?? Actu...

To post more than a few lines of code, use a pastebin like: * dpaste.org * linkode.org * bin.kv2.dev * hastebin.com If you are stuck in a terminal, you can use ix.io or paste.rs to paste from the CLI: <command to print output> |& curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io <command to print output> |& curl --data-binary @- https://paste.rs

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