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BIG NEWS 🗞 #Celsius paid off a total of $67,000,000

dollars of debt today combined between Aave, Compound and Maker.

11 ответов

6 просмотров

Im going to say this is good news for users.

Where does this money come from?

They are probably pooling everything they have and knocking out loans one at a time, which frees up collateral, which gives then more money to free up more loans

Where does this money come from?

Just existing capital being moved around. $67m is not much compared to the assets Celsius still has control over.

Where does this money come from?

Its a good question. Got no idea how it all works. All i know is that we want our money back

.-. Автор вопроса
. .
must be

Good news but not what people want to hear

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.-. Автор вопроса

This is definitely promising

Where does this money come from?

Very good question. If I could just get 67 million I would be straight

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