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Forgive my ignorance here. But We all have serious amounts of

money tied up and locked in Celsius right now. Life savings in some cases.

Total debt surely cannot be more than what deposits are in accounts.

If they came out and asked each Celsius account holder to buy a certain amount of Celsius tokens say 1000 each, to pay off immediate problematic debt, would that solve anything?

At least we would be sure they will survive and in a year maybe get all our funds back?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

It's more complicated than this and there is nothing to stop people buying cel tokens atm from other platforms such as ftx

Nick- Автор вопроса
It's more complicated than this and there is nothi...

Yea that's true that the token can be bought through other exchanges. But I have my life savings in there, with all the fear around and the silence from Celsius, there's no way I am pouring money into what could be a black hole, they have not told us the extent of the damage upto now. If for one second I thought that buying a few thousand Celsius coins would save my account, I would do it In a heartbeat. But as long as Celsius are absolutely silent and I don't know what percent chance I have of seeing my money again, then I could not buy even one coin. Its a massive community. If they were up front at the very start and said we need X amount of money, I'm sure everyone would have come together and bought some Celsius to save everyone else

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