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Another v short thread Simon replied to this one. May be

another possibility


But my main point was to approach Alex’s board - but don’t discount giving Celsius time if it’s smth that can be fixed their end. They’re doing well

So 2 phased approach

6 ответов

6 просмотров
Al-MicMac Автор вопроса

Simon D said this idea I suggested is a 4th possibility that BTTF would support , IF Celsius needed. And gives us way more transparent & control as customers

Al-MicMac Автор вопроса


Al MicMac

Yes. I think the order of affairs should be 1) Alex’s way, 2) Dixon’s proposals (I liked #2), Z) TradFi breadcrumbs

Al-MicMac Автор вопроса
Yes. I think the order of affairs should be 1) Al...

Yeah 100% agree, and re option 2 if needed , with Simon talking with us (& a Board seat with financial transparency), we can expand on his solutions as well if needed. People probably underestimate what we can actually do

Al MicMac
Yeah 100% agree, and re option 2 if needed , with ...

Yeah. The best solution may be something between Alex’s strategy and Dixon as well

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