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Has anyone else noticed what appears to be an obvious

concerted efforts to tank bitcoin by the powers that be... fed government, trad banks, wall st. Cantillionaire Etc... there was just released, at the perfect time (beginning of 4 yr cycle bear market) a bitcoin SHORT etf? yet several attempts to get a bitcoin futures or spot etf has been blocked by SEC. They can't beat bitcoin, so they have to stack the cards in there favor, what a desperate attempt by the powers that be to maintain complete control.

2 ответов

6 просмотров

Yeah but greyscale already had a team of lawyers to sue them. One of them was even a lawyer in the White House under Obama lol. I think greyscale is going to win this law suit and force the sec to open a Bitcoin spot etf.

Actually it works opposite... It's retail vs hedge funds... Hedge funds always had a way to short even before etf... Now this short etf will let retail get in there...and now hedge funds will drive the price higher.... When futures bull etf got launched the price crashed after some time...cos retail went in there...and hedge funds started shorting.... It very clever.... This short etf will bring the balance now

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