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What do you all think about this? https://twitter.com/TheRealPlanC/status/1545558746348281861?s=20&t=0OfVX2is65gOw6yrDhGPbg

I'm just trying to make sense of it all. Everything I have is still locked in Celsius. Trying to stay positive but theres not much to hold on to. Please help me reframe all this FUD so I can sleep again

14 ответов

9 просмотров

PlanC had an argument with a few Celsius users (the more aggressive ones) and now he is completely pissed and wishes to sink the whole community.

D Exousia
PlanC had an argument with a few Celsius users (th...

I think he has talked with Jason and unfortunately see that the story is true. See that Alex clearly lied to us. So he is pissed. And me too

D Exousia
PlanC had an argument with a few Celsius users (th...

Agree. I have seen him from an admirer of Celsius and Alex and shifting stances to blasting Celsius within few days

Jo Mars
I think he has talked with Jason and unfortunately...

Jason is a wild card imo. The fact that he chose to talk only now after seeing that Celsius paid off the wBTC means that he is after the money only.

D Exousia
Jason is a wild card imo. The fact that he chose t...

I agree and if he had talked before he would have save a lot of people. But still don't mean his story is not true

Eldo John
Agree. I have seen him from an admirer of Celsius ...

Well anyone can change their mind! He believes that Alex has been laying for a long time.

D Exousia
Jason is a wild card imo. The fact that he chose t...

If love to know if there is a some written deal between planc and Simon.

If love to know if there is a some written deal be...

What do you think it would look like. Hey Simon if I start fuding as well, will you give me 2% of the new company?

If love to know if there is a some written deal be...

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he was genuinely for Simon's plans and was passionate about it. I mean a lot of people can't stand the wait here. So they genuinely take any solution as long as it helps resolve the situation quickly and get a compensation.

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