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If btc ran to 80 k right now what would


7 ответов

8 просмотров

Nothing BTC would need to pump to such a price that celsius could mine and sell 1-2 billion $ within a couple weeks Anything less wont do much

I agree. The syndicate solution by Simon make more sense to me for this perspective

Mike M
Nothing BTC would need to pump to such a price th...

Planning to have 120k miners and 15k BTC mined per year by 2023… Add capital injection and a Bond backed IPO raise / crowdfund Do the maths … needs some capital but you’d get peanuts back in cash this year

I agree. The syndicate solution by Simon make more...

Simon said that ship has sailed and you can thank alex

Al MicMac
Planning to have 120k miners and 15k BTC mined per...

Planning to have is different than actually having them, so there is no way to do math atm

Al MicMac
Planning to have 120k miners and 15k BTC mined per...

I wouldn't trust those numbers man. Let's wait for further info from the proceedings

Lauris V
Planning to have is different than actually having...

The cash is there for the maintenance and upgrades , catch up

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