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Wouldn’t filing a claim in USD be counterproductive if you

are expecting to be paid in crypto?

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Yeh I agree, seems like they are going to give users the option of discounted USD or "long crypto" no point filling for USD if you are going for the long crypto. Could complicate things imo

Scott Lawrence
Yeh I agree, seems like they are going to give use...

I believe they are going to make a new form, to clarify this. But whoever said the last day to file a claim was today, is wrong. We have months. And we will be told the Bar date. But I *do* believe the application to be on the committee, is today. And it's not just an either or, when it comes to our options. We were just talking about it, earlier. It's not either "choose to take a haircut now", or "choose long crypto (with no access now)". There could be something totally in the middle, like have access to some now, with monthly limits, so at least we can live!, and then the rest, later. I believe that would be best for most people.

I think also it could be a slow release of withdrawal overtime. A quick way for them to see who wants cash or crypto is just put a button in the app saying cash or long crypto 🤷🏻‍♂️

Scott Lawrence
I think also it could be a slow release of withdra...

Yes. I m sure there is plenty like me who willtake a haircut and have nothing to do with mashinsky may he rot inh3ll

Going USD locks in the Bitcoin price of today let's say and sells to USD so that's what you end up years down the line. Long I assume is you stay in Bitcoin and take on the risk of it going up or down and get paid out in Bitcoin when you finally get it. It's basically exit your position or stay in it.

Going USD locks in the Bitcoin price of today let'...

True I can imagine an option like 50% haircut and take your cash or stay long crypto

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