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For all you “sky is falling” doomsdayers, does this sound

“Voyager Inches Toward Withdrawals

Voyager suspended withdrawals on July 1, leaving customers without access to their balances for three weeks.

Now, bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings could allow customers to regain access to their account balances. Voyager says that one of its latest filings seeks court approval to allow customers to withdraw their funds.

Those funds consist of USD balances stored in For Benefit Of (FBO) accounts at Metropolitan Commercial Bank.

Voyager said it plans to process user withdrawal requests in the ordinary course of action. However, this plan depends on the results of the next court hearing on Aug. 4.

The firm also provided a funding update. It said that it is asking the court for permission to sell Coinify, a company that it acquired last year. It added that it previously received court approval to pay employees and other operating costs.

8 ответов

12 просмотров

I hope celsius acts in our best interest this one time . It’s been a year or more since they did obviously .. based on the data in the bk papers ..

R3al Patient IoTeXian
I hope celsius acts in our best interest this one ...

I would prepare your self for this to get dragged out, well as long as alex is ceo, it’s gunna get dragged out

Mike M
I would prepare your self for this to get dragged ...

Yeah prepared with minuscule lingering hope but nearly zero.

Mike M
I would prepare your self for this to get dragged ...

I'll forgive Alex if he releases the canceled white/gold version of the credit card

Wonderful! That's amazing and I couldn't be more pleased for all the Voyager customers. I'm in Celsius

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