enter the code you received) in client's start function? I just need to raise some error, if code is required.
Generate a string session and connect via it
I already have a lot of sessions in .session format. But several of them, after some time, requires sms code. I need to drop off sessions like this. So string option not work to me.
String session is a bit different from session file. Try it. You'll definitely get what you want. Also consider this note that not to use it under 2 different IPs
Ok. Can i somehow convert .session to string session?
I buy .session in big amount. I have no time to register them by myself.
string session and session file use the same auth key. probably your sessions just got revoked
Maybe. Honestly, i dont care. I just need to raise error if client requests sms code. I need to disable input.
The probability of the number being deleted, how to verify this case?
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