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Who else thinks we'll get 100% of our funds back?

I've seen in a few surveys here that there are other guys who also think we'll get back 100%

9 ответов

8 просмотров
K1 (Scammers do not PM me!)- Автор вопроса

Not possible. Where would that money come from?

I would prefer ch7.

To slow until we see anything back at us and usd denomination almost certainly AND no upside potential what so ever. That's how I see it and why chp7 is the worst outcome if you ask me

To slow until we see anything back at us and usd d...

We would at least get something back, and most likely faster than with ch11. Remember that the reason we are in this situation in the first place is that Celsius made several management mistakes and had an insolvent balance sheet for years which they not only failed to fix, but actually made worse over time. With that track record, why would you trust them to try and restructure and somehow give you more money back than what they could give you right now?

I would prefer ch7.

Chapter 7 is only preferable if one have no trust in the ch11 process and outcome.

I am not into Celsius fixing this but focusing on the other plans that will be proposed my Simon Dixon (and probably others aswell). This is part of a newco where we get a haircut, equity that can gain value over time and perhaps debt to be paid of by a profitable business. Simon has hinted that he is looking into some kind of bitcoin backed bond-ish setup. Add to that a potential mining op that can continue to mint fresh BTC which can help repay depositors. Of course there are many ifs but there are solutions and they have nothing to do with current Celsius management

I am not into Celsius fixing this but focusing on ...

Why should Simon use Celsius for that and not just build a new one, not tainted as the worst since Luna?

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