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Hi ! I have a weird situation and can't seem to

figure out a solution :
I have a personal webapp, wherein I've embedded links to leetcode problems

Sample link: https://leetcode.com/problems/two-sum/

What I want to achieve is, assuming I've already solved the particular question on leetcode, i want to clear the text inside leetcode's code editor (i.e. the solution to the leetcode problem) as soon as the page loads.

i.e first i click on a leetcode problem link available on my personal webapp -> leetcode page is rendered -> all the text inside leetcode's code editor (the solution) gets cleared.

I read a while ago that we can run javascript from the url, so i thought of appending some js at the end of the leetcode link itself, so that once the user clicks on the link, the js executes and clears the concerned text.
But it seems like this feature is removed now, as i tried to run some simple js from the url but it didn't execute.

My guess is that I'll probably have to create an extension for this.
Keeping chrome extension as the last resort, is there any other way to achieve this ?

1 ответов

10 просмотров

Extension would be best

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