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Hello, who can tell, what are the relevant ways to

optimize WordPress sites for mobile devices according to Google Page Speed?

17 ответов

7 просмотров

1. Use cache optimization plugins, 2. CDN if you have extra money 3.Compress images before you upload 4. Don't go for shared hosting. Try unmanaged cloud hosting like digital ocean etc. It's just cost you 5$ per month for small vps 5. For WordPress look for good theme proviers like themes of genesis framework they are highly optimised.

Vitaliy- Автор вопроса
Vitaliy- Автор вопроса
Vitaliy- Автор вопроса

Cdn meaning Content delivery network

Vitaliy- Автор вопроса

yes, i know it, thanks

yes, i know it, thanks

You're welcome. I think WordPress is not that fast, so you should consider a trade off here. You can use caching.

cdn do you mean cloudflare?

You can use any CDN but if without CDN also with choosing right provider you can generate great performance For example easyengine.io with digitalocean.com killer combination Easy engine is open source highly optimised script to install WordPress on cloud vps. The team behind easyengine is already a VIP agency partner of WordPress😊

Vitaliy- Автор вопроса
Udit Patel
You can use any CDN but if without CDN also with c...

Thank you so much, that is, do you recommend using these services to optimize my site?

Vitaliy- Автор вопроса
Udit Patel
You can use any CDN but if without CDN also with c...

can you tell a little what it is easyengine.io?

can you tell a little what it is easyengine.io?

its a script for deploying applications inside docker

can you tell a little what it is easyengine.io?

It's a command line control panel specially for WordPress website. It's a script that help you to install Nginx MySQL Php SSL And all other things that need to create WordPress website using few command

can you tell a little what it is easyengine.io?

# Install EasyEngine on Linux wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee4 && sudo bash ee # Create a site at example.com with WordPress sudo ee site create example.com --type=wp

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