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Hello fam, I've just completed my Laravel app with React js

at the front end.

Everything works fine on localhost. But when I hosted it on a shared hosting domain, the app is not displaying, it's showing "syntaxError unexpected end of input" in the console.

I'm using Laravel 7. What could be going wrong?🤔

5 ответов

3 просмотра
Пользователь-61b58 Автор вопроса

Any help with this?☝️🙏

Пользователь-61b58 Автор вопроса

Is it possible for an app to work perfectly on localhost and give syntaxError on deployment? My app works on localhost but gives "SyntaxError: json.parse: unterminated string at line 1"! Please, what could be wrong?

Пользователь 61b58
Is it possible for an app to work perfectly on loc...

Yes, especially if your local is windows. Ppl use things like docker to have a env the more closest possible to production.

Пользователь-61b58 Автор вопроса

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