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I am making a browser based game (MMO RTS) in

PHP, as it a war based game, there will be like players attacking other players cities and dungeon etc.. and these attacks data will be stored in DB.

Ok so my question is, as the world will grow there will be more of these attacks happening in future but at almost same time, so will it be good if I use a corn job to trigger a PHP script to simulate all these battles or is there any other method trigger script based on Timestamp?

Also currently i am thinking of pure LAMP stack, will it be better to use something like ReactPHP or other event driven PHP frameworks?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

ReactPHP i should really look into that

Chinmay-Chandak Автор вопроса

Anyone got any idea on this? Has anyone worked on something like it, share your experience please!

Using a framework will be better. Security & flexibility wise

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