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Given a choice between MySQL, MariaDB and Postgres which would

be better to use?

3 ответов

2 просмотра

maybe better say Maria is optimised version of MySQL but I don't know about postgre ... I'll investigate and share the result with you

depends with what you are buiding... realational databases like mysql ar ideal for apps with so many features

MariaDB? Open Source relational database management system (RDMBS), and it is collaborating with many companies like facebook, Alibaba, and Google that are useful for developing new feature and improvement for the whole community. MariaDB replaces MySQL from many places because of its great features like vibrant, more open, more storage engines, and better performance. MySQL? MySQL is the open source RDBMS PostgreSQL? PostgreSQL is the open source RDBMS PostgreSQL is used by large corporations and organizations across several industries, including BioPharm, e-Commerce, Education, Finance, Gaming, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Media, Retail, Technology, and Telecom, as well as several open source projects. Maybe this link help you

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