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It'S likely one of these 3 things; 1. The xdebug extension

isn't loaded or disabled in the apache sapi / fpm, but is on php cli. Create a file with <?php phpinfo(); to make sure xdebug is loaded
2. The xdebug remote_mode is set to req and you're not doing a proper debug request. Make sure your IDE opens the url with a XDEBUG_SESSION_START query parameter.
3. The PHP script is unable to connect to the xdebug client (in the IDE) listening op port 9000 (default). If you're running the webserver locally, check using netstat oid. If you're not running on localhost read https://xdebug.org/docs/remote

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3 просмотра

XDEBUG_SESSION_START=session_name what should session_name be? It is created for me automatically, is it righ?

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