Похожие чаты

>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r8 >>> Running pre-merge checks for

* Determining the location of the kernel source code
* Found kernel source directory:
* /usr/src/linux
* Found sources for kernel version:
* 6.1.24-gentoo-dist
* Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ... [ ok ]
>>> Running pre-merge checks for media-libs/mesa-23.0.3-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/util-linux-2.38.1-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/portage-3.0.44-r1
* Determining the location of the kernel source code
* Found kernel source directory:
* /usr/src/linux
* Found sources for kernel version:
* 6.1.24-gentoo-dist
* Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ... [ ok ]
>>> Running pre-merge checks for net-misc/openssh-9.3_p1-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.3.0
* Determining the location of the kernel source code
* Found kernel source directory:
* /usr/src/linux
* Found sources for kernel version:
* 6.1.24-gentoo-dist
* Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ... [ ok ]
>>> Running pre-merge checks for app-portage/layman-2.4.3
>>> Running pre-merge checks for media-libs/opencv-4.6.0-r4
>>> Running pre-merge checks for app-emulation/qemu-7.2.0
* Determining the location of the kernel source code
* Found kernel source directory:
* /usr/src/linux
* Found sources for kernel version:
* 6.1.24-gentoo-dist
* Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ...
Кто там переписыванием портажа занимается?) Вон, сделайте, чтоб он кешировал "локацию кернел сурс кода"

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Это же легко...

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