Похожие чаты

And the best questions are: 1 - Creating a channel in

Telegram of statistics on the exchange with graphs of reporting and turnover for a day, month, quarter, year? (by ru-community)
2 - I would like the possibility to temporarily block TSN, with appropriate bonuses for this (by ru-community)
3 - What will be different between tsunami and WX when you implement spot trading? (by @Mjaroudi)
4 - Are you expecting to work on copy trading later? I want to copy Venom and chrisdotwaves (by @Kapsul2030)
5 - How will the partnership with Pyth Network improve the accuracy of asset prices on Tsunami Exchange? (by @hadih388)
6 - Do TSN will apply for WavesDAO (by @GalkaWavesFunnyNode)

Thank you everyone and please DM me your wallets. Every question’s author will receive 5 TSN! 🚀

2 ответов

11 просмотров

i share my reward so someone 🙂

Alexandra- Автор вопроса
WFN | WavesFunnyNode
i share my reward so someone 🙂

ok, so we also like the question by @Cryptochrist about marketing funds. please dm me your wallet!

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